About swimmer nutrition
Swimming requires massive amounts of energy, whether it’s at elite-level or in age group training. Because of this high energy expenditure, swimmers need to take the right steps to replenish the nutrients lost.
Research in sports nutrition shows that competitive swimmers can burn up to 5,000 calories in four hours, depending on the intensity of the workout. Because of this incredible energy expenditure in swimming, proper nutrition is essential to rebuilding and recovering. Providing the right nutrition is as important as training in the pool. Without the right nutrition swimmers cannot perform at the best. These seminars are designed to help parents understand the benefit of good nutrition and also provide some helpful tips to boost energy levels when it’s most needed.
We asked Tiffany Afflick, a Loughborough graduate in sports science who has spent the past two years providing sports nutrition support to British Swimming athletes, to help parents, coaches and swimmers get the balance right.
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About Tiffany Afflick
Tiffany is a Loughborough graduate in sports science and has spent the past two years providing sports nutrition support to British Swimming athletes. As the nutrition intern, she has led scientific studies, developed her own swimming-specific snacks for the athletes and set up a weekly Breakfast Club to refuel swimmers after their training sessions.
The Breakfast Club embodies all of Tiffany’s passions by bringing the worlds of sport and food into closer alignment – promoting delicious and exciting food to support the challenging nutritional demands of elite sport.
Since obtaining an Advanced Diploma in Sports Nutrition, Tiffany began The Cooking Yam, which was originally used to share simple, nutritious recipes to the public via social media, but now offers many additional services.
As the business has grown, Tiffany has provided nutritional support for the general public and elite athletes, has prepared healthy snack orders for Olympians, and now delivers a variety of nutritional workshops for people of all skill and sports levels. Tiffany’s ambition is to show the world that whether you’re a working parent or a world-class athlete, we should all enjoy nutritious, delicious food – and it’s simpler than we think.
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